Shots I took in Kyoto City
- On the street corner
- Sakura in full bloom near Gion on April 15.
- Sakura along Kawabata-dōri street at sunset on April 05.
- Sakura in full bloom at River Kamo on April 5.
- Sakura blossoms at Department of Science, Kyoto Univ.
- Pagoda of Yasaka
- Shimenawa decorated at a shrine to purify the place.
- Entrance of Nijō-jin'ya, an old inn which Samurai used to stay when they came to Kyoto in Edo period.
- Bamboos at Kōdaiji Temple
- Katsura Imperial Villa (1), which has the most beautiful garden in Kyoto.
- Katsura Imperial Villa (2). Through one of the beautiful tea rooms.
- Kendō costume
- Beautiful Kinkakuji Temple, World Heritage site in Kyoto, against the blue sky
- A washbowl and a bamboo ladle at Kinkakuji Temple.
- Entrance of Yasaka Jinja Shrine at Gion
- Ginkakuji Temple, one of the World Heritage sites in Kyoto
- Nijō Castle, wehre the last Samurai Shōgun returned his power to the Emperor in 1867.
- The roofs of Nijō Castle buildings.
- Hōōdō Hall (the Phoenix Pavilion) of Byōdōin Temple
- Beautiful wisteria trellis at Byōdōin Temple at the end of April
- The only hair designer I found who speaks very fluent English in Kyoto City. Taka-san at his beauty salon, "Baggy"
- My daughter's high school has produced a lot of people who become successful after finishing. This Noh actor is one of them. He visited his old high school and put on a perrformance at the parents' meeting.
- the gateway to Heian Shrine
- the gate of Heian Shrine
- Rice harvesting machine
- Harvested rice. September, Kyoto.
- Kyoto City Hall
- Mt. Hiei
- Bicycles are daily means here for going to school, workplace, stations, supermarkets, your friends' houses and so on. So there are many parking lots for bicycles. This is the one at a subway station.
- Lotus pond at Tenryuji Zen Temple, Arashiyama
- Rice is growing. August in Kyoto.
- Hybrid Kyoto City bus. Do you see the word "Hybrid" written on the upper part of the bus?
- Kimono Fashion Show at Nishijin Textile Center
- Kimono Fashion Show at Nisijin Textile Center
- Creation of the world of "the Tale of Genji". At Coustume Museum near Nishi Honganji Temple.
- Fryer of the Noh play I saw. The story is based on an old Chinese legend.
- The Noh stage at Kyoto Kanze Kaikan House.
- This is how "Kyoto" is spelled in Japanese. On the platform of JR Kyoto station.
- Shinkansen, the super express
- Inside of Shinkansen
- Koi-nobori for Children's Day on May 5. When you have a boy in your family, you display carps made of cloth in front of your house. In an old Chinese story, a carp tried very hard to jump up a high fall and finally it turned a dragon to go up to the heaven. It is a sign of power and promotion. This picture is of my neighbour who has a baby boy born in 2011.
- Green tea fields. They begin picking up new tea leaves in early summer, May. Kyoto is famous for its tea production, too.
- Along the River Kamo. Sakura, cherry blossoms in spring are very beautiful in Kyoto. There are various kinds of them.
- At Okazaki, near Heian Shrine
- Near my home
- At Doshisha University
- Rushing boy; You often see this kind of child-shaped boards in Japan. It calls drivers' attention to children.
- Ikebana at home; Peach branches and yellow rape flowers are necessities to celebrate Hina Festival; March 3rd.
- Dolls for the Hina Festival at my home. It is a family festival to wish sound growth of girls. If you have a daughter in your family, you display a set of dolls like this that expresses the Heian dynasty prospered in the 9-12th century.
- Kyoto Tower in the blue sky; 131 meters high. It fronts to the JR Kyoto station.
- The glass windows of Kyoto station building reflect the big "candle".
- Sesshuji Temple; one of the sub-temples of Tofukuji Temple. The garden was designed by Sesshu, who was a very famous Indian ink painter in the 15th century.
- Tofukuji Temple in winter.
- Rokkakudo Temple; The navel of Kyoto. A very famous Buddhist monk, Shinran missioned here in the 13th century.
- At Rokkakudo Temple, the sixteen monks with Nirvana. They've been released themselves from all trouble and smile tenderly.
- Adult's Day ceremony is held in January for twenty-year-old boys and girls. She is my neighbour. Dressed up in a Furisode, the most beautiful and gorgeous kind of Kimono only young girls can wear.
- Ditto. The back of Obi; Kimono belt. Nishijin textile. Kyoto's famous product.
- New year's ornament for the front door of my house
- A shrine with new year's ornament, near my house.
- Tofukuji Temple, famous for its corridor in the center
- Small beautiful garden at Tofukuji Temple
- Kamogawa River in winter
- Museum for costume in ancient time of aristocracy
- Ditto. The boy in blue is a prince.
- Kyoto International Community House. Gorgeous community center!
- Inside of KICH
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