
Zucchini potage

It has not been a long time since zucchini began to appear in supermarkets in Japan. I buy one or two every year without any other ideas than simply fry them in a pan.

One day, a French-speaking student recommended me to cook cold potage soup with zucchini. It was a new idea for me. I asked him happily, "You mean cooking it like bishisowaazu?" I said so because cold potage soup from potato is called so in Japanese with Katakana spelling 「ビシソワーズ」. But I couldn't make myself understood, and he asked, "Pardon?" and "What is that?"

I checked the word and showed the spelling "vichyssoise." Then he said, "Ah, I see. all right."

But I didn't miss the look on his face as he thought, "How could it be "bishisowaazu"? (^_^;)
【Published an e-book (Kindle)】